About Us
About Us
Book a Lake Tahoe water sports adventure you’ll never forget.
or Call 530-573-1928 or info@birkholmswatersports.com

Birkholm’s Water Ski School is a small family run business operated out of the Tahoe Keys Marina on the spectacular south shore of Lake Tahoe. We offer pickups anywhere on the lake where pickup is available. We specialize in children and family lessons. We charge by time, not by the person. All appointments are private and reserved for your family or group only. Everything is included in the scheduled appointments: boats, drivers, instructors, wet suits, life jackets ,skis / boards / tubes, even the fuel. There are no surprise charges.
We Specialize in children and family lessons / charters. We can teach 2 people how to water ski / wakeboard in 1 hour with in the water instruction. In the water instruction puts the instructor in the water right next to the student to see exactly what he or she may be doing right or wrong, and let them know immediately. We believe this is an easier and quicker way of learning how to water ski and wakeboard. This teaching process ensures a successful water skiing and wakeboarding experience and progression. This technique is especially beneficial when teaching young children. It provides children, young and old with a sense of confidence and stability needed for a successful and memorable water ski / wakeboard experience. With our quality instruction, equipment, and boats we are confident your experience with us will be memorable and rewarding.

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We are conveniently located at the Tahoe Keys Marina, but we offer pickups anywhere on the lake where pickup is available. We can come to you. Our boats, drivers, and instructors arrive with everything necessary to complete your Lake Tahoe water skiing and wakeboarding experience. All you will need is a swim suit, towel, camera, sunscreen, and maybe a little water. We will provide everything else. Depending on our Tahoe weather, you may need a warm layer while out on the boat. Our boats are of the highest quality and staffed with Coast Guard licensed captains, so you can be assured you and your family are safe.